Friday, June 5, 2009

I h8 You!

Although your performance last night was painfully unbelievable, I can still manage to hate you Kobe because you make faces like this! This is the stupidest, least intimidating, most awkward way to celebrate anything or try to be mean or anything. Kobe has no idea what to do, so this face he has tried to make his trademark when he does something awesome like bank in an And 1. It doesn't work because it sucks and I hate him when he does it and because he does it. I was impressed with his performance and making it impossible to guard him, but how can anyone like Kobe or root for him when this is the face he makes. I would laugh at him if I was Ariza. I want someone to replicate it when I play basketball so I can laugh at them when they are trying to be serious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...